Sunday, November 24, 2013


This is a totally and completely #based blog. I apologize if this journal is inappropriate or does not resemble what a typical journal should. I will not be backspacing and I will not be spell checking. This is tough for me, I hope you understand. What is #based? Well I'm writing very based and very rare rihgt now. That mistake will cost me later.. Being based is a conscious flow of thought streaming forth uninhibited by any sort of restriction of any kind or of any sort. Hold on. I have to move my bed closer to the wall so my pets cannot cause mischief. They are very mischevious creatures that I love and want to be safe. I cherish them more than some people I know because they are soft. I'm going to move the bed now then take a break to re-enter my state of completely based consciousness. Sorry. I know it wasn't a long time for you, since you just read the next sentence after all, but for me it was a rigorous trial to scoot my bed and come back to based world. So, how are you feeling? Oh, this is sad and lonely. I have no 'you' to direct this at.. I will just remain based and continue to drink this decadent mixture of the heart of an oak tree and vanilla coke. This song is incredibly pleasing to my ears and I wish I had words that could aptly present it's beauty in words. It's very atmospheric and has some odd chanting in the background. The chants are crescendo-ing, I hope they do not intend to mount my spirit, body, and mind because they will be sorely disappointed. My mental integrity is currently impregnable, no matter how fertile the intrusive voices may be. I wish I hadn't been so sick on my birthday so I could have had some cake. It was a lovely, pristine cake. That it was. It was entirely edible. Which you would expect from a cake, of course, but this cake had edible bows and other toppings. Not sure why a bow since I'm a 19 year old man-boy but it was definitely an edible arrangement. I'm quite ravenous for that cake now. I would swim through a lake for that cake, mostly because it would be the only thing to calm this fire in my belly that longs for that cake-y substance. What doth life.. 

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